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Legal Notes

1. Legal information:

The content of the website merefsa.com, territorial domains merefsa.com/en, merefsa.it and merefsa.de, subdomains and associated services, property of Manufacturados Españoles de Resinas Fluoradas S.L., (Website from now on) have the objective of informing of the activities, products and services of merefsa.com , as well as collaborating enterprises and the services that they offer.
In compliance with paragraph 10 of Law 34/2002, dated 11th of July, of the Services of the Information Society and Electronic Commerce, we make available to Users the information regarding the owner of this Website: Manufacturados Españoles de Resinas Fluoradas S.L., CIF B-08207284, C\ Castello, 9 • 08830 Sant Boi de Llobregat, Barcelona, Spain.

2. Use of the Website and its contents:

The user engages himself to use the Website and its services without infringing existing laws, good faith and public order. Reproduction, distribution and modifications are forbidden unless specifically authorized by the legitimate owners or legally permitted. The user cannot alter, change nor modify the Website; however, Manufacturados Españoles de Resinas Fluoradas S.L. reserves the right to change in any moment, unilaterally and without previous notice, the structure and design of the Website, as well as change or eliminate the contents or services of the Website.

3. Copyright and patent rights:

The content of the Website (texts, images, audio and video) are protected by the laws of copyright and patent rights. The content of the Website as well as the graphic design and source codes are copyright of Manufacturados Españoles de Resinas Fluoradas S.L or third parties, and in no case the rights to exploit these are transferred to the user in any way. Manufacturados Españoles de Resinas Fluoradas S.L will exercise all civil and penal actions as appropriate against whoever may affect its legal rights and will demand all necessary measures for its safekeeping.

4. Collection and Protection of personal data:

All information given by the user through the Website's forms must be true. The user will be the sole responsible for false or inexact statements made and the damage caused to Manufacturados Españoles de Resinas Fluoradas S.L. or third parties by the submitted information. Data obtained through the Website will be incorporated in an automated file of personal information of which Manufacturados Españoles de Resinas Fluoradas S.L is responsible. The data will be treated confidentially and exclusively to manage the connections with customers and promote the activities of merefsa.com. Manufacturados Españoles de Resinas Fluoradas S.L obliges itself to treat the data in a confidential manner. Nevertheless, it can reveal personal information from this data if required by public authorities when acting their legally attributed functions. Manufacturados Españoles de Resinas Fluoradas S.L. obliges itself to adopt the security measures, technical and of organisation, necessary to avoid alteration, loss and unauthorised manipulation or access to the said data. Due to the actual security conditions of Internet, the responsible for this file cannot guarantee the illicit use of user information by third parties. On clicking the button "SEND" of the mentioned form, the user consents expressly to the use of his personal information for commercial communications by e-mail or otherwise. The user may revoke the consent and exercise his rights to access, rectify, cancel and oppose by addressing himself to this effect to the address indicated in paragraph 1 of this notice or by sending an email to the address indicated in the page "CONTACT" of this Website. The user engages to maintain the details submitted to the responsible of the file duly updated. The user will be responsible for damage that Manufacturados Españoles de Resinas Fluoradas S.L and/or third parties may suffer consequence of the lack of truthfulness, inexactitude and authenticity of the data submitted.

5. Of contents and linked services:

I.- Any person that wishes to establish a link between their website and merefsa.com, merefsa.com/fr, and merefsa.com/en must comply with the following conditions: The link will permit access ONLY to the home page or initial page of one of the territorial domains merefsa, not being able to reproduce it in any way. No separation of the Website of merefsa.com in two or more independent sections in HTML are allowed. No false or inexact statements or indications about Merefsa's managers, employees, web pages or supplied services are allowed. The website to which the link is established cannot have contents contrary to moral principles and received customs and usages. The existence of a link does not imply any type of relationship between Manufacturados Españoles de Resinas Fluoradas S.L. and the owner of the website where it is set, nor the acceptance and approval by Manufacturados Españoles de Resinas Fluoradas S.L. of its contents and services.

II.-merefsa.com makes available to its users links to other sites managed by third parties. These links, present on the pages of merefsa.com, are solely for the purpose of helping users in the search of information, contents and services in Internet, in no case they are recommendations or invitations to visit them. Manufacturados Españoles de Resinas Fluoradas S.L. does not assume any responsibility for damage of any type that may arise from access, maintenance, use, quality, lawfulness, reliability and usefulness of the contents, information, communications, statements, products and services existing or offered by websites not manager by Manufacturados Españoles de Resinas Fluoradas S.L. and that are accessible through the Website of merefsa.com.

6. Duration and termination:

In principle, the services on the Website have an indefinite duration. However, Manufacturados Españoles de Resinas Fluoradas S.L., is authorised to cancel or suspend them by previously warning users of the termination or suspension of the services on the Website.

7. Legislation:

The present legal notice is ruled by Spanish law. Manufacturados Españoles de Resinas Fluoradas S.L. and the user, renounce expressly to other jurisdiction that may correspond to them and submit to the jurisdiction of the Courts and Judges of Barcelona city.

8. Notice:

In case any person may consider that certain facts or circumstances may be illicit or considered illicit, please communicate it either by phone or by email, both indicated in the "CONTACT" page of this Website.

9. E-mail:

In accordance with the provisions of the General Data Protection Regulations of May 2016 (hereinafter, GDPR), we inform you that your personal data will be included in a file owned by Manufacturados Españoles de Resinas Fluoradas S.L.U. with NIF B08207284, and located at C\ Castello, 9 • 08830 Sant Boi de Llobregat de Barcelona. We treat the information you provide us with in order to maintain a correct commercial relationship or during the years necessary to comply with legal obligations. The data will not be transferred to third parties except in cases where a legal obligation exists. You have the right to access your personal data, rectify inaccurate data or request its deletion when the data is no longer necessary. To do so, you must request it by e-mail to rgpd@merefsa.com, or by sending a registered letter to the address indicated.

Manufacturados Españoles de Resinas Fluoradas S.L.U. informs that it will proceed to process the data in a lawful, loyal, transparent, adequate, pertinent, limited, exact and updated manner. It is for this reason that Manufacturados Españoles de Resinas Fluoradas S.L.U. undertakes to adopt all reasonable measures to ensure that these data are deleted or rectified without delay when they are inaccurate.

Consorcio del Caucho
Control Energético


If you have any questions or want to contact us,
fill the following form. We will answer you as soon as possible.



In accordance with the provisions of the General Data Protection Regulation, 679/2016 of May 2016, (hereinafter, RGPD), we inform you that your personal data will be included in a file owned by Manufacturados Españoles de Resinas Fluoradas, S.L.U., with NIF B08207284, and located in Castelló 9, ( 08830) Sant boi de Llobregat, Barcelona. We treat the information you provide us with in order to provide you with the requested service as well as to maintain the commercial relationship in accordance with current legislation. The data provided will be kept as long as the commercial relationship is maintained or for the years necessary to comply with legal obligations. The data will not be passed on to third parties except in cases where a legal obligation exists. You have the right to obtain confirmation as to whether Manufacturados Españoles de Resinas Fluoradas, S.L.U. is processing your personal data. You are therefore entitled to access your personal data, rectify inaccurate data or request their deletion when they are no longer necessary. To do so, you must request it by e-mail to rgpd@merefsa.com, or by sending a registered letter to the indicated address.


Castello, 9 08830 Sant Boi de Llobregat

Barcelona (Spain)

Tel (+34) 933 372 081

Fax (+34) 933 374 373

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Monday to Thursday from 8:00 to 13:00

Monday to Thursday from 14:00 to 17:15

Friday from 7:00 to 14:15

Warehouse Schedule

Monday to Friday from 9:00 to 14:00

Summer Intensive Schedule 2025

From June 25th to September 10th from 07:00 to 14:15

Summer Vacation

Closed from 06/08/2025 to 25/08/2025

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