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Customer Support

Atencion al cliente

Schedule and Location

At MEREFSA, we want to maintain a continuous relationship with all our clients and collaborators, and for this, we have enabled various online addresses. If you need specialized care, contact the following departments at:

Business Hours:

- Monday to Thursday from 8:00 to 13:00 | 14:00 to 17:15.
- Friday: 7:00 to 14:15.

Warehouse Hours:

- Monday to Friday from 9:00 to 14:00

Intensive Summer Hours 2025:

- From June 24th to September 10th from 07:00 to 14:15

Summer Vacation:

- Closed from 06/08/2025 to 25/08/2025


C/ Castelló, 9 • 08830 Sant Boi de Llobregat • Barcelona ( Spain )

Customer Support and Administration

Contact with Merefsa

+34 933 372 081

Merefsa Administration

+34 933 372 081

Commercial Department

Areas of West Catalunya, Southern Barcelona

Areas of Mediterranean Coast, Northern Barcelona

Areas of North, Centre and South of Spain

International Sales Assistant
Europe, Africa, Asia

Export Sales Management
Europe, Africa, Asia

Iberian Sales Management
Spain, Portugal, Latinamerica

online Sales Department

Online Sales Manager

Atencion al cliente

Schedule and Location

At MEREFSA, we want to maintain a continuous relationship with all our clients and collaborators, and for this, we have enabled various online addresses. If you need specialized care, contact the following departments at:

Business Hours:

- Monday to Thursday from 8:00 to 13:00 | 14:00 to 17:15.
- Friday: 7:00 to 14:15.

Warehouse Hours:

- Monday to Friday from 9:00 to 14:00

Intensive Summer Hours 2025:

- From June 24th to September 10th from 07:00 to 14:15

Summer Vacation:

- Closed from 06/08/2025 to 25/08/2025


C\ Castelló, 9 • 08830 Sant Boi de Llobregat • Barcelona ( Spain )

Customer Support and Administration

Contact with Merefsa

+34 933 372 081

Merefsa Administration

+34 933 372 081

Commercial Department

Areas of West Catalunya,
Southern Barcelona

Areas of Mediterranean Coast,
Northern Barcelona

Areas of North, Centre
and South of Spain

International Sales Assistant
Europe, Africa, Asia

Export Sales Management
Europe, Africa, Asia

Iberian Sales Management
Spain, Portugal, Latin America

Online Sales Department

Online Sales Manager

Calendario 2025 Calendario 2025

Boxes in Orange = Non-Working Days
Boxes in Orange = Non-Working Days

Company Statement on COVID-19

From MEREFSA, we continue to update, expand, and adopt the necessary measures recommended by health authorities to ensure the production, supply, and protection of our employees, clients, collaborators, and suppliers from the coronavirus (COVID-19).


  • Two work shifts in the factory, morning and afternoon, with independent work teams.

  • Priority in manufacturing and service of products for the hospital and pharmaceutical sector.

  • Strict compliance with hygiene and social distancing rules.

  • Implementation of remote working to maintain the highest level of service.

  • Reinforcement of online sales service.

The Management of MEREFSA looks after individual, collective, and business interests, both its own and those of others, always following the instructions issued by the WHO and the country's authorities.

#FrenarLaCurva          #Loparamos
Consorcio del Caucho
Control Energético


If you have any questions or want to contact us,
fill the following form. We will answer you as soon as possible.



In accordance with the provisions of the General Data Protection Regulation, 679/2016 of May 2016, (hereinafter, RGPD), we inform you that your personal data will be included in a file owned by Manufacturados Españoles de Resinas Fluoradas, S.L.U., with NIF B08207284, and located in Castelló 9, ( 08830) Sant boi de Llobregat, Barcelona. We treat the information you provide us with in order to provide you with the requested service as well as to maintain the commercial relationship in accordance with current legislation. The data provided will be kept as long as the commercial relationship is maintained or for the years necessary to comply with legal obligations. The data will not be passed on to third parties except in cases where a legal obligation exists. You have the right to obtain confirmation as to whether Manufacturados Españoles de Resinas Fluoradas, S.L.U. is processing your personal data. You are therefore entitled to access your personal data, rectify inaccurate data or request their deletion when they are no longer necessary. To do so, you must request it by e-mail to rgpd@merefsa.com, or by sending a registered letter to the indicated address.


Castello, 9 08830 Sant Boi de Llobregat

Barcelona (Spain)

Tel (+34) 933 372 081

Fax (+34) 933 374 373

Office Schedule

Monday to Thursday from 8:00 to 13:00

Monday to Thursday from 14:00 to 17:15

Friday from 7:00 to 14:15

Warehouse Schedule

Monday to Friday from 9:00 to 14:00

Summer Intensive Schedule 2025

From June 25th to September 10th from 07:00 to 14:15

Summer Vacation

Closed from 06/08/2025 to 25/08/2025

Download Merefsa's annual calendar

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